What Are The FMS KPI's Each Team Should Monitor?

How Can KPI's Be Used Measure The Performance?

KPI's or Key Performance Indicators are tools that a company can define, measure, track, and monitor its performance. A KPI reflects how good the company or organisation is in achieving its set goals and objectives. The same theory goes in the case of facility management services companies. The facilities team can accomplish below with the help of Key Performance Indicators.

  • Improve productivity and Efficiency
  • Recognise the areas of improvement
  • Justify the cost and methods
  • Ask for extra funding and additional headcount
  • Gain appreciation from top-level leaders

Best KPI's To Track Performance

Here are the top KPI's used to track the FMS performance.

  • Work Order Management

The main objective of this KPI is to understand how much time the team takes to complete the work from allotment to close. If your team is pretty slow to answer work orders, it will not do any good for the team. When there arises an issue, the organisation would want you to fix it immediately and effectively. When it takes a long time to resolve the queries, it will negatively affect your team in the long run and your operating expenses. You can improve work order management by prioritising the work orders and setting certain benchmarks.

  • Preventive Maintenance Compliance

For your FM processes' success, preventive maintenance has a crucial part to play as it can help the team address all the problems proactively rather than reactively. It prevents downtime and also very much cost-effective. It will be a good practice to keep track of preventive maintenance compliance to identify the source of reactive work orders.

  • Occupant Satisfaction Rates

The workspace in the office building has a huge impact on employee mood and satisfaction. If the buildings are comfortable, clean, and functional, an employee will feel motivated to work there. If the facilities team has good KPI data, they can help you provide more improvement in the occupant experience.

Once the work orders are completed, start taking surveys such as was the job completed on time? Was it done, right? Etc. Once you get the answers, you will get an idea of how the team had performed. Conducting a yearly survey will help you identify the occupant's expectations and improve your goal-tracking process.

Deferred Maintenance And Maintenance Cost

  • Maintenance Backlog

Facility maintenance is an expensive task, and it not a secret that the allotted budget cannot cover all the repairs and maintenance that happen in a year. The incomplete maintenance tasks are called deferred maintenance or maintenance backlog. For achieving this KPI, it is better to have a good capital budget.

  • Budget Vs. Maintenance Cost

While preparing a budget, the immediate needs will be noticed rather than the departmental needs. There is a high possibility of being overlooked if the FMS team will not communicate with the organisation. It is better to have all the backup information collected to get your allotted maintenance cost.

There are a lot of metrics to track. However, the KPI mentioned above are the ones that can help you deal with the common issues in FMS.

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